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  • Snowboarders on Mad River Glen

  • Meatless Monday

  • Seminary Standard Production

  • Deaths of  Famous Musicians 

  • How do commercials and ads affect your purchase choices.

I want to do a news story on how snowboarders feel about not being allowed to ride at Mad River Glen in Vermont. I want to also find out from skiers at the mountain and not at the mountain how they feel about it. If possible, I'd like to interview the mountain owners or operators and get their take on the story. 

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Skatepark News Story

Tuesday, Sept . 25th: Brainstormed Ideas and shots for the documentary

Wednesday, Sept. 26th: Shot B Roll and an interview

Thursday, Sept. 27th: Shot more B Roll, wrote interview questions and shot an interview after school

Friday, Sept 28th: Shot a little more and edited.

Monday, October 1st: Edited Interview all class

Tuesday, October 2nd: Finished editing and uploaded.


This was a fun news story to make because it was about something that I know about and actually care about. I was also in a group of people that I am good friends with so the filming and editing process had no weird tension and moved very fluidly. Everyone worked together to help each other and move the process forwards. Some days we went and all filmed together, while other days two people would go shoot while the others would stay at school and brainstorm. Katie and Audrey had the initiative to take a camera, mic and other equipment all the way to Saxons River, which is very far, to film an interview. The Whole process went very fast and smooth, very painless. 


Audrey filming at Vermont Academy


John Kelly before the interview

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