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Apocalypse Now

Movie Review

The two things I look for most in a movie are cinematography/ shot composition, and story quality. Apocalypse now might be the greatest movie ever if judging off of just those two qualities. But it's also so much more than just those two things. It's pleasing to the ear through sound effects and music work. The acting is also just so unbelievable. Every actor completely threw themselves into their role's and the product is one of the most realistic war thrillers ever. 

But as always, the most important thing to me is the actual camera work. Without good camera work, a terrifically acted movie would be terrible. This is not the case with Apocalypse Now. Almost very single shot in this movie is, for lack of better words, goddam beautiful. The composition, aesthetics and pure power of the shots are to me unparalleled. I remember in specific, a shot of Sheen on the nose of their boat, surfacing through the fog with his rifle in his hand. Another one is in the very beginning of the movie where a long take shot of a napalm bombing that literally took my breath away. It is a bloody war movie, but It is also one of the most beautifully shot movies I've ever seen. 

And as amazing as the camera work is, I think it is even outdone by the acting and story telling. The movie details the story of Captain Willard who is assigned on a mission to terminate a officer who's committed war crimes. He says in narration "Accusing someone of murder in this war is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500," which although it is funny, It also really well demonstrates the turmoil he has over killing an American hero.  The story also deals with the duality of man, and how war can drive a man insane. The acting is so incredible as you can visually watch as members of his squad become more and more unhinged, and really blew me away.

I'm not going to spoil anything, but a scene at the end revolving around his mission is one of the most unbelievably well put together scenes in movie history, if not the most. It has to do with the sacrifice of a cow and holy cow it's incredible. 

The movie, in part thanks to the acting and story telling, Does a incredible job of drawing you in and making you emotionally invested in it's characters. Every movement, action and thing they say just makes you take more and more intrigue in them. And with that, every death is a devastating and heart breaking blow that almost cripples your ability to continue watching. 

The movie is nearly two and a half hours of thriller, and still not a moment of it drags or seems boring. It is filled with so many interesting and colorful characters each and every one of them could have a movie of their own. Twists, surprises and action all captivate you, and make this to me one of if not the best movies in history. I wish I could explain more about how unbelievable this movie is, but words escape me. You'll have to watch and be bewildered yourself. 

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