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Doc Review

The movie starts out with a bunch of alien type music and asking a bunch of questions about aliens, using fast choppy B roll to show excitement. Then it asks the big question. “Could the pyramids be built by aliens? The music cuts out to emphasize the question. I think it was a really good way to show excitement and rile up the viewers.
Next the movies starts to give some history on how ancient civilizations lived, and questioned how they built their massive structures. The narrator suggests it was from divine intervention, and then hits us with the big statement. But what if it was aliens?
They start to list a bunch of facts about the pyramids and other structures which seem to disprove the humans could have made the pyramids in those ancient times. This is good because it makes the viewer start to question whether or not aliens could have been in play. It also introduces a “expert” who has a theory on the pyramids, and believes it was “ancient Astronauts.” Then it introduces another man with a more elaborate explanation of that theory. This is a pretty good way to help the viewer understand that there are a lot of people who believe in this theory, pushing the viewer to agree with the movie.
It then introduces the antagonist. The antagonist introduces a bunch of reasons on why the Egyptians could have built the pyramids, with a bunch of weaker facts and using prices of history as evidence. The movie could have dealt with this part of the movie better. Everyone knows that you need to have this part of the movies, but their reasons need to be disproven and debunked. In this movie, the narrator simply calls them stupid and dismisses them almost angrily, which kind of waivers the viewers belief that this is a viable theory.
The next part of the movie uses a bunch of hieroglyphs that seem to show an alien or spaceship. This could of worked if it wasn’t such a ridiculous theory. The hyroglifics do look a little like them, but they are not explained in deep enough  details, and passed over pretty fast. If they spent a little more time in this section it would have been stronger.
The movie definitely introduces a lot of believable ideas and theories, whit a decent amount of different views and supporters. It really makes you want to believe that the pyramids could have been built with the help of aliens. It also does a really good job of using B Roll to give your brain good and interesting visuals. At the end, after presenting you with all of its “Overwhelming Evidence” that aliens helped build the pyramids, it does what all good documentaries like this do. It asked you what you think, making it look like they didn’t already tell you.


History Channel Documentary- Aliens and Pyramids

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